PANIC button installed

Chief coming down the hall? Need to look busy, or at least not wandering the internets?
Is that the wife opening the door? Embarrassed to be looking at our blog? Well now you can keep it under wraps from those who wouldn't understand.

On the bar to the right, (not that kind of bar...firemen...) the side bar,just above Mother's sweet rig, is a bright yellow PANIC button that will link you to the MDA Summer Camp information site. Now when the chief turns the corner and says, "What are you doing on the computer?" you can respond, "I was thinking of volunteering at the MDA summer camp, you should join me!"
You will be left alone in no time. Not that this isn't a worthy cause, far from it, just that folks with something else to do will do it.

Now back to work all of you! I called dispatch and put you in service to cover our runs for the night. Thanks!

Avoiding the bells,
The Happy Medic
