Attention all units in the field

The forced overtime list has been published.

For most of my years (Dad, roll your eyes) I have been scheduled to work Christmas or Christmas Eve. On occasion I have accepted 2 for 1 trades to get one of them off. Last year I was injured over the holiday, but for the first time I can remember I'm not scheduled to work the 24th or 25th.

Then the forced overtime list came out. They publish 2 lists, one for the 24th populated by people working the 23rd and one list for the 25th populated by folks working the 26th. Makes sense, right? So what happens when you're scheduled to work both the 23rd and the 26th? Make one list sure, but how did I make BOTH lists? There is a possibility that I will work my regular shift tuesday, get forced wednesday, get forced thursday, then work my regular shift friday. That makes perfect sense, right?
In the past we simply didn't answer the phone on Christmas morning, then the folks got smart and started thinking ahead.

So send your positive vibes my way friends, I may need them.

Chasing the bells,
The Happy Medic


Anonymous said…
Pardon my eyes rolling, I do recall the first Christmas in my career that my firefighter schedule actually had me off duty both Christmas and Christmas eve (about 16 years in). Long ahead of time I booked an expensive (for me) condo in Mammoth that was walking or skiing distance from our favorite ski lift. Everyone was excited, our first Christmas away from home. Unfortunately a week away from Christmas I recieved notice that I was being forced to work Christmas Day! Luckly we went ahead with the plans, with me leaving Mammmoth Xmas morning 2am and returning in time the morning of the 26th to join the family at the ski lift by 10am. Thank goodness the "Motorcop" must of had that day off and there was little traffic at those hours. Cheers to all those who serve on the Holidays!