
Not in that sense, I steer clear of that here, you all know that.

I mean the politics of EMS. I mentioned a while back that I sought out and was appointed to a seat on the local EMS Committee in my community. At my first meeting I was a nervous wreck thinking I was way out of my league amongst industry reps and MDs with years and years of experience. I sat in the corner and said nothing.

This most recent meeting, I pitched the Project and they loved it. Everywhere I mention this opportunity, folks are interested in our differences and our similarities to our friends across the pond.

I had the opportunity to have a few words with the Medical Director who empowers the Paramedics who will treat my family and I had to smile. His thoughts on the Project were great and where he wants the system to go are progressive and treatment based. He showed interest in the Advanced Practice Paramedic concept as well as expanding the State's Paramedic training. Champion.

They also want to hear about what I learned from the Project when I return.

So now the pressure is on to gather as much information as I can on this exchange. I'm not looking to adopt a socialized response system, that won't work here. I'm looking for ideas that can reduce our requirements to default to transport to the emergency room. I'm looking to see if the rapid response model might work in my department to ease the burden on some of the nation's busiest ALS engines.

And on top of all that, I'm looking forward to finally meeting my friend Mark.

If you're also interested in meeting Mark and will be in the Northern California area around November 12th, let me know and we'll get together and talk shop.

And even though anyone paying attention knows exactly where I am I still need a bit longer to "come out" to you. It's a big deal, you know, but will be revealed as we promote the Project. Baby steps, hence the new banner.


Anonymous said…
It would be great to meet some of your readers whilst I am there!

I hope some of you can come out and say Hi.

I will be organising the same thing for HM when he comes to Blighty, so if you fancy a really long trip, come over to Newcastle!!