Chronicles of EMS Episode leaked!

Despite his best efforts, Producer/Director/Paramedic/Nice Guy Ted Setla was not minding the store when our friend Ms Paramedic hacked his iphone and downloaded the pilot episode of the Chronicles of EMS.

I don't know how long I can keep this up before he knows it's gone and demands I take it down.

But you all deserve to see the show before the big premiere next month on the 12th.

Sorry, Ted, I had to.  Here you go:

And for those who love Fireman Mike, no I did not make him, only embedded his video.  You can watch more of Fireman Mike HERE and leave comments for the creator.

These little movies are getting popular.  I tried making one and apparently have no knack for it.  Thanks for the laughs MsP.  See you at the real premiere on February 12th.


[...] Chronicles of EMS Episode leaked! | The Happy Medic [...]
motorcop said…
Holy shit. I think I peed a bit. Checking for police related similarites!!
[...] Chronicles of EMS Episode leaked! | The Happy Medic [...]
[...] Chronicles of EMS Episode leaked! | The Happy Medic [...]
motorcop said…
Holy shit. I think I peed a bit. Checking for police related similarites!!
Anonymous said…
Holy shit. I think I peed a bit. Checking for police related similarites!!
motorcop said…
Holy shit. I think I peed a bit. Checking for police related similarites!!
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Happy Medic and, Shelly Wilcoxson. Shelly Wilcoxson said: RT @theHappyMedic: New blog post: Chronicles of EMS Episode leaked! [...]