Happy Trails Happy

Our beloved ever smiling mascot here at HMHQ, the Original Happy Medic has arrived for his last shift.

But, like we do it here, the new guy is standing by to step in so Happy doesn't have to take any runs he doesn't want to.  He'll also cover dinner so HM can enjoy one last uninterrupted meal before heading off into retirement.

Our mascot was born of necessity, some of you early readers remember the pre-Happy days when a blog called emsfun appeared on blogspot.  No names, no logos, no ads, no BS, just me and my thoughts.  The therapy experiment worked well and caught a following as I was catching onto other fire and paramedic blogs and websites.

When EMS United, Firefighter Nation and JEMS Connect started to really grow about a year ago, I needed a unique avatar to use and Happy was it.  From there he just started taking over.

Twitter...use Happy.

Facebook...use Happy.

Zazzle...Use Happy.

It just grew and grew and through it all he was there, always smiling.

We changed his jacket, his helmet, his T-shirt, ditched the unibrow, kept the nose and whitened the teeth and he stayed.  Few would go through such heavy changes, but he was and will always be a champ.  So come on down Happy, off the banner and take a break.  Enjoy your last shift, we've got the new kid starting in the morning and you'll be up to the Angry Captain's in no time tomorrow, relaxing with a Jack and Diet Coke and swapping tales of the days of open cabs and hip boots.

You will be missed.

[caption id="attachment_1854" align="alignleft" width="171" caption="Happy Medic New Hire Photo"]Happy Medic New Hire Photo[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_508" align="alignleft" width="154" caption="Happy Medic Today"]Happy Medic Today[/caption]


Squeezey said…
Bye Happy! We'll miss you.
Enjoy retirement, maybe try lawn bowls?
Squeezey said…
Bye Happy! We'll miss you.
Enjoy retirement, maybe try lawn bowls?
Aaron said…
We love you happy.
Fire Critic said…
Ah...the golden years of shuffleboard! I am interested in seeing what comes next!
The Angry Captain said…
Can't wait for Happy to get to the retirement compound. Mrs AC and I will have him out in the arrr-veee exploring the beautiful sights here.
Squeezey said…
Bye Happy! We'll miss you.
Enjoy retirement, maybe try lawn bowls?
Aaron said…
We love you happy.
Fire Critic said…
Ah...the golden years of shuffleboard! I am interested in seeing what comes next!
The Angry Captain said…
Can't wait for Happy to get to the retirement compound. Mrs AC and I will have him out in the arrr-veee exploring the beautiful sights here.
msparamedic said…
oh Happy, I'll miss you! We'll always remember you fondly...
MsParamedic said…
oh Happy, I'll miss you! We'll always remember you fondly...
Ckemtp said…
Three Cheers for Happy!
Hope your party's quite Sappy!
Go take a good Nappy!
And um, have a good time?

It's hard to rhyme things with "Happy"...
So that's why this poem is quite Crappy!
But Still, enjoy your retiremet Happy.
Have a tequila, with Lime.

One would guess that this is why I write blog stuff instead of poems.
Ckemtp said…
Three Cheers for Happy!
Hope your party's quite Sappy!
Go take a good Nappy!
And um, have a good time?

It's hard to rhyme things with "Happy"...
So that's why this poem is quite Crappy!
But Still, enjoy your retiremet Happy.
Have a tequila, with Lime.

One would guess that this is why I write blog stuff instead of poems.
Ckemtp said…
Three Cheers for Happy!
Hope your party's quite Sappy!
Go take a good Nappy!
And um, have a good time?

It's hard to rhyme things with "Happy"...
So that's why this poem is quite Crappy!
But Still, enjoy your retiremet Happy.
Have a tequila, with Lime.

One would guess that this is why I write blog stuff instead of poems.