Having a bad shift?

Let it go, this too shall pass


Dina Scharnhorst said…
I love this video! The ultimate in Rube Goldberg-ian contraptions!
Little Girl said…
:) Why is it when I had a bad shift, it doesn't end until after a full inquire has been performed by Management, and HR Services?? Oh well, sooner or later it will pass too. Thank you Happy.
Dina Scharnhorst said…
I love this video! The ultimate in Rube Goldberg-ian contraptions!
Little Girl said…
:) Why is it when I had a bad shift, it doesn't end until after a full inquire has been performed by Management, and HR Services?? Oh well, sooner or later it will pass too. Thank you Happy.
EmilyT said…
Saw that vid the other day, it's great! Still like their first one (Here it Goes Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTAAsCNK7RA&feat... ) too.
EmilyT said…
Saw that vid the other day, it's great! Still like their first one (Here it Goes Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTAAsCNK7RA&feature=related ) too.
Medic999 said…
Hey Guess what?

It worked! Made me smile!! Thanks for that Matey....
Medic999 said…
Hey Guess what?

It worked! Made me smile!! Thanks for that Matey....
Medic999 said…
Hey Guess what?

It worked! Made me smile!! Thanks for that Matey....