Happy Medic Orientation

hmbootThis new guy is picking things up quick.

Now that we have the basics of the site narrowed down, let's deal with some of the other stuff that comes up day to day here at HMHQ.

This is the link to the Glossary of Terms, soon to become it's own page, which will explain why every old woman in this place is named Erma and why we have so many medic units that there even is a Medic 99.

Over on the side bar are a few modules we need to cover real quick in case folks want to click through.

Gasda Software are the guys who will program your shift schedule into your blackberry phone.  Rumor has it they have over 3 dozen custom schedules plugged in so you can follow your friend's shifts as well.

We also contribute to some other forums, the Handover and First Due blog carnivals are fun and are less a carnival and more a reader's digest of EMS and Fire blogs respectively.  You'll be expected to submit articles to both, so stay up to date on when the next host presents the topic.  The last guy missed a deadline and we weren't mentioned this month.

The Chronicles of EMS...oh man, you did know we need you to travel the world exploring EMS right?  Did we mention that?  Well, if not, too late, we're doing it, very soon in fact.  We have permissions from departments and services in England, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, South Africa and all over the US from volunteer rural to paid urban, we're going to see it all.

Paramedicine 101 is a forum we just got invited to contribute to, only post over there when what you're writing can match the quality of the other contributors.  From you, Mr probie, no time soon.

And another thing, here we earn our numbers.  I saw on an earlier post you already have a 5 on your helmet shield.  I've been here since the start and barely earned my number, yet you walk in with a number already there?  Are your dues paid through the end of the year?  Name on a locker yet?  Got a bunk all picked out do ya?


Then I'm going to have you do dopamine drip calculations while on air in the dark.



EMT GFP said…
I have to say, I love these probie orientation posts! Can't wait to see the new Happy Medic!
EMT GFP said…
I have to say, I love these probie orientation posts! Can't wait to see the new Happy Medic!
EMT GFP said…
I have to say, I love these probie orientation posts! Can't wait to see the new Happy Medic!
[...] @theHappyMedic: Latest from HMHQ: HM Orientation http://happymedic.com/2010/04/01/happy-medic-orientation/ Hey Happy, didja get my poem? [...]