New Happy's First Day

happybadgeToday is the new Happy Medic mascot's first day so we're showing him the ropes.  Only when he's ready will we let him up in the banner.

All right, kid, here's how it goes:

Shift change is at 8 am, but I expect you here at 7 to offer an early relief to one of the more senior members.

You'll be on the floor on time and in your issued uniform.

First thing is to check the logbook to see what has happened since your last visit.  Click on the current month and have a look at the title of articles, looking for anything you may have missed.  If unsure, ask around.

From there we'll refresh the page and make sure the blog rolls open up properly.  The 2nd Alarm Blogroll covers fire based sites, while the Mutual Aid board covers rescue and EMS.  Make sure the newest material is at the top and goes down chronologically.

The PD Evals blogroll covers the latest from our Law Enforcement friends, make sure they don't have any calls pending, then ensure the Training tab is live as well.

When all the elements are in place, make sure the banner ads are relevant and click through  to those of interest.

Now we need to get up to date on all the happenings out there.  Firegeezer gave me my start, so we'll start there.

Read the Morning Lineup, only then can we break for some coffee, but only when he says so and only after getting the equipment checked out.

After that it's housework probie, toilets, floors and kitchen.

The day has only just begun, but the basics are covered.  A little later we'll talk about what to expect from articles and updates here on the site.


Anonymous said…
Welcome Happy. Thanks for the awesome blog.