No better time to get back on the road than 2 days after getting home, right?

It has now been a full year since EMS 2.0 was given a chance to be heard at a conference when ZOLL brought me and Mark Glencorse out to Denver to pitch the idea of improving EMS from the ground up. It was very well received at the time, but some in the crowd told us it was the same ideas they've always heard but with a new title. I can kind of agree with that. Nothing I or many others associated with the movement are suggesting is new, but we're sharing information in a new way letting us make informed decisions on policy instead of stabs in the dark. Borrowing wheels instead of re-inventing them, if you will.
ZOLL Summit is a chance for EMS Leaders, Q/I Staff and others to come together and discuss technology and leading trends as they pertain to EMS.
It was at last year's ZOLL Summit we heard speakers call for smaller batteries, lighter defib units and perhaps...gasp...remove the defib completely. Leaders from many systems, Medical Directors and yes a few medics and EMTs met in the hallways to discuss parts they love and parts they don't in their data systems, ePCRs and monitors and folks from ZOLL were always there to listen.
On Monday the 9th Thaddeus Setla joins me to head out to Denver in Mark's place to bring the Summit to you!
Instead of having to find the words to describe the networking and chance to give input to the industry, we're firing up the FRNtv cameras for updates conference style. We've been the ones to bring you same day coverage of both major EMS conferences and ZOLL, our oldest and biggest supporter, is looking for the same kind of coverage so we're enroute.
Updates will come fast and furious with that Ted Setla flair so keep your browsers pointed to for updates almost as soon as we land.
Something you want to ask ZOLL Medical, ZOLL Data or any of the ZOLL divisions? Leave a comment and look for a video reply from the folks in the know at ZOLL Summit in Denver this week.

It has now been a full year since EMS 2.0 was given a chance to be heard at a conference when ZOLL brought me and Mark Glencorse out to Denver to pitch the idea of improving EMS from the ground up. It was very well received at the time, but some in the crowd told us it was the same ideas they've always heard but with a new title. I can kind of agree with that. Nothing I or many others associated with the movement are suggesting is new, but we're sharing information in a new way letting us make informed decisions on policy instead of stabs in the dark. Borrowing wheels instead of re-inventing them, if you will.
ZOLL Summit is a chance for EMS Leaders, Q/I Staff and others to come together and discuss technology and leading trends as they pertain to EMS.
It was at last year's ZOLL Summit we heard speakers call for smaller batteries, lighter defib units and perhaps...gasp...remove the defib completely. Leaders from many systems, Medical Directors and yes a few medics and EMTs met in the hallways to discuss parts they love and parts they don't in their data systems, ePCRs and monitors and folks from ZOLL were always there to listen.
On Monday the 9th Thaddeus Setla joins me to head out to Denver in Mark's place to bring the Summit to you!
Instead of having to find the words to describe the networking and chance to give input to the industry, we're firing up the FRNtv cameras for updates conference style. We've been the ones to bring you same day coverage of both major EMS conferences and ZOLL, our oldest and biggest supporter, is looking for the same kind of coverage so we're enroute.
Updates will come fast and furious with that Ted Setla flair so keep your browsers pointed to for updates almost as soon as we land.
Something you want to ask ZOLL Medical, ZOLL Data or any of the ZOLL divisions? Leave a comment and look for a video reply from the folks in the know at ZOLL Summit in Denver this week.