Coming Soon - Happy Medic Awards 2011

Last year I awarded Rescuing Providence  my Blog of the Year Award.

2011 was filled with so many things that made me happy I have decided to expand the award from just a single blog to cover my entire year.

I considered letting you vote in each category, but then it would be your award, not mine, so I've kept the balloting secret.

As December marches on you'll see random postings of awards for events/products/companies/blogs, there is no restriction on who or what is included.


Coming soon - Things that made me Happy 2011!


Winners receive my heartfelt thanks for making my year better by putting a smile on my face.  I have no prizes, no sponsors, no begs for votes, just a thank you and a little golden Happy icon.  And of course bragging rights.  That's a big deal where I come from you know.

If you have something that made you happy this year, share that experience with your friends and social media circles!
