...we will be making a limited edition of the Tactical Duty Kilt.
What started as a great April Fool's Day prank has turned into a lesson in the power of social media.
Late on the evening of March 31st 5.11 Tactical sent out a bulk email touting the addition of the Tactical Duty Kilt, including a link to the following you tube video.
[yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoX7ZqaNPOQ']
Noting the date I thought little of it...at first. Then I started getting emails and messages from the Kilted to Kick Cancer gang asking if I had seen the TDK. When I looked at the site, sure enough, there it was listed for sale.
Could this be real? Being the social media
On the product page there was a notice that they were "Out of Stock" but I could enter my email to be notified when the item becomes available. I bet they forgot to disable that function because yesterday I got an email from 5.11 CEO Tom Davin letting me know that they're going to make the TDK. It will be a limited run and online only, but you have to get your email into them ASAP to be included!
There are 3 colors to begin with, Black, Khaki and OD Green, with a multicam option coming later at a slightly higher price. Each of these kilts will go perfectly with my Magnum Boots and Kilted to Kick Cancer Shirts, polos and T-shirts Magnum sponsored for the inaugural KTKC.
I got an email from a friend asking why Kilted to Kick Cancer had "abandoned" one vendor for another. KTKC has done no such thing my friends (Oh God that sounds like something Mitt Romney would say). We are looking for any and every way to spread the word about the importance of men getting the information they need to live healthy lifestyles. We can only dream that future sponsors embrace KTKC the way Magnum Boots did, and they even did it site unseen.
We are not exclusive, never will be.
Alt Kilt jumped to the front of the line last year because they are awesome, but we will not ignore a chance to spread the word about what is now the second most lethal cancer known to humans with other kilt makers. More voices can only mean more ears hearing the message (reading the message? I get confused) and that's what we're about at KTKC, I'm sure Motorcop, Alex and Kelly and the now 13 state reps of the KTKC Kilted Army would agree.
If Magnum Boots made a kilt, I'd probably want one. If Alt Kilt made boots, I'd probably want them too. Actually, that would be an interesting combination...but I digress.
Still need a kilt for September? Then get your email in for the TDK ASAP, then visit Alt Kilt to get your order in, because you'll need at least 3 for the month.