Hopatitus B Label Concept - What say you?

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Greg Friese said…
I like it except for the bunny.
mr618 said…
Isn't there some sort of regulatory no-no about using the biohazard symbol for non-hazardous materials? Otherwise, wouldn't we be using biohazard baggies to keep the other guys from stealing our lunches?

Unless the beer really IS hazardous...
Thehappymedic said…
While you are correct that the symbol denotes danger, this is a non commercial item and does not fall under any restrictions.  I am not required to divulge ingredients, caloric data...anything.  These labels don't even go on bottles anymore, but live simply in this sidebar and on a tiny magnet on my keg fridge.
mr618 said…
Seems to me the alcohol would kill any creepie-crawilies anyway, right?