Out of Left Field

Sometimes we forget who we're up against.

Sometimes the system is indeed rigged against us from the start.

But how can you win if the other party refuses to even play the game?


The term "blind sided" was used in a meeting today, much to my surprise.  You could even go so far as to say that I was blind sided by this blind side.

It was a jolt of reality back into my EMS 2.0 world that not all of our enemies lie within.  Some are just skirting along the outside of EMS, providing valuable services, only to pounce on ideas they find threatening.

Only problem is, I don't see it that way, not sure I ever will.

I've had almost a year to figure out this whole politics thing and I still just don't get it.  I don't care who had the idea, or who gets credit, I need some things to just happen.

In my role, very few decisions are actually within my control.  I do research and pass the info along.  If it gets rejected, I research more.  I've had my preconceptions busted more than a few times, comes with the territory.  But there is this perception that others see my actions as more for me than the system.

I just don't get it.


Some things come from out of left field, but that's all based on the assumption that what we're expecting was in left field to begin with.  My surprise came from the bleachers behind left field, caught my on the jaw and knocked me to the floor, blinking, wondering what just happened.  I had a ceiling do that to me once.  Once.


I'd love to say "never again!" but when you don't know what to expect, how can you prepare?


Sadly, I believe that's probably the biggest part of the learning curve going from a blue shirt to a white shirt. On the streets, we get to know our unexpected...even if we don't know it specifically, we know what could happen. You make a run and you've already (unconsciously) thought out the 3-4 FUBAR things that could happen. However, you move a little bit up the food chain and you gotta learn it all over again. I am sure you will turn it around and make it a positive...and probably an educational video clip. Good Luck, White Shirt!
Too Old To Work said…
Sadly, politics permeates everything, not just EMS. People often have agendas that have nothing to do with patient care. They lose sight of what you and I would consider the important things and focus on what's good for them or their agenda.

If you can change that, you're truly an amazing person.
the Happy medic said…
Challenge accepted.