the Crossover Show - Episode 11 - Guns and Kangaroos

Well, maybe not in that order, but the guys are back with the internet's only fire, EMS and police podcast.

This week's show is brought to you by the letters A and R and the number 15.

MC and HM welcome their buddy from Down Under, Nick Williams! Sure, they start with talking about the craziness of the metric system, Celsius, and Australian medic's insane vacation policies, but they quickly take a left turn to bring up one of everyone's favorite topics:

Gun Control!

Come listen in to hear the differences between our two countries' responses after large massacres (specifically the Port Arthur Massacre in Australia and Sandy Hook in the United States).

The only BOLO this week is a 15-minute bit on gun control by Australian comic Jim Jeffries:

Thanks again to Nick Williams for taking a week to spend with us! Safe travels home, Nicholas Cage!



http://www./ said…
Ya learn something new everyday. It's true I guess!