A Message for Those E-Cig Cool Kids

You look like a fracking idiot.

Let me step past the obvious to at least acknowledge the fact that you are not smoking a traditional tobacco filtered cigarette. This is a step in the right direction my vaping friend.  Of course you put down one cancer causing death enhancing device simply to pick up another, so one step forward one step back, but at least you're moving, right?

I see you over on the curb outside the designated smoking area, clearly far too cool to be included with those smelly jerks.  We all see you.  We can't not see you with that thunderstorm you exhale after sucking on your little metal device.

Apparently some of you need to be reminded not to use your electronic cancer devices, sorry e-cigs, on airplanes, in restaurants and in other places you think are somehow restricting your right to kill yourself slowly.


You do remember the second half of the term e-cigarette, right?

The device heats a liquid into vapor form to be inhaled into the lungs.  It isn't some fancy replacement for rolled leafs, it is simply an easier way to preserve the contaminants in order for you to "vape" them.

And another thing about vaping...


Vaporizing carcinogens for inhalation is called smoking.  The term "Vape" was introduced in 2009 with the wider distribution of the little magic wands you hold so near and dear.  It's likely that if you had to call it "smoking" you wouldn't buy one, right?  Dosing varies wildly by manufacturer, as does ingredients but, luckily for you, manufacturer's aren't required to tell you what you're smoking.  They'll throw in a bit about it being vegetable based then throw in the term "and flavoring."

I can think of at least 2 other things you could smoke that would be far healthier for you.  I'll let you use your imagination on what they are.

If you think using an electronic tobacco delivery system somehow reduces or removes the health impact of the ingredients and still makes you look like that 8th grade kid you admired long ago perhaps we should just put you in a corner and let the cloud of smoke and steam obscure you until you fall over dead.

Or you can quit.

You know, your call.
