Letters in the File - Oklaloosa Selfies

blog fileMan is this typewriter dusty!  I haven't written anyone up in a long time!  When this story first came across the feed I thought to myself, "No one is that stupid."

I can be funny sometimes.  People are indeed that stupid.

Kayla Dubois and Christopher Wimmer (Not winner) have been arrested for taking self portrait photos with patients.  Seems harmless enough, right?  A contest between practitioners bored silly from interfacility transfers and take homes is in poor taste, violates privacy and is, well, stupid is harmless enough I guess.

Oh, not all the patients gave consent and you touched them too?  Yeah, you are a special brand of stupid aren't you?

According to reports these idiots posed with patients who were unconscious, intubated or otherwise impaired and not able to give consent for your stupid game.  Jayne Cobb, noted philosopher, once noted when seeing a Reaver, "Cutting on your own face?  When does that get fun?"

Mr Wimmer, when does it get fun to expose an elderly woman's breast and photograph it?

Are you fucking kidding me right now?  If I was in your chain of command you'd be gone so fast the contents of your locker would be curbside before you finished reading your termination letter.

And Ms Dubois...I...I can't even.


The more I think about what you did to ruin the trust the public gives us makes me physically sick.  I read the story, then again and literally my joints hurt.

You didn't screw up by taking the photos or even sharing them, you screwed up by even thinking this was a good idea in the first place.  "When does that get fun?"  Never.  It never gets fun to violate a patient's trust especially when that violation involves touching, exposing and ridiculing.


You're both out of here.  Your stuff is at the curb.
