Us Against Us

I heard the news today...oh boy.

The live stream out of Dallas has me avoiding eye contact with my best friend for the last few hours.  Shooting pool at my buddy Motorcop's place is in my top 10 all time best things.  So what does it say when I'm so distracted by the news that I can't have fun?

Al Queda.



We spend so much time and effort hating the other, the enemy, the infidel, we forgot about each other.

Terrorism is harder and harder to define anymore.  Even in the midst of preparing a "Response to Terrorism" for my agency I see Dallas and think, "Who is the bad guy?"

In the movie PCU the lead character "Draws" brings a crowd of college kids sick of being force fed political correctness to action by telling them, "It used to be us against them, now it's us against us."

Us against us.

We don't need ISIS or ISIL or Daesh or whatever the hell their brand of hate is called anymore coming around and ruing the American dream for us.  We did that to ourselves.  A long time ago.  This is nothing brought on by this President or congress or the last few even.  This has been boiling in the background for scores of years waiting to explode right here, literally in our own FRONT yards.

Sadly, there are those watching the chaos unfolding and rubbing their hands, glad to see it finally happening.  Fuck them.

The rest of us are in fear for the future we hope to leave our children.  A world where I can shoot pool with my friend and try not to let on that half a dozen of his brothers lay injured or dead because we as a nation can't seem to get our shit together.  Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter...both sides sound like siblings upset over who gets the last slice of cake while others starve.  No shit lives matter.  I'm a Paramedic I could have told you that a long time ago and saved you all this strife, but it was already generations too late.

I pray, which is a big deal for me you know, that tomorrow the aliens will attack and we can come together as a species and see past our differences and just live alongside one another in some reasonable form of peace after kicking ET's ass, as the noted thespian Will Smith once said.


If that doesn't happen tomorrow I'm not sure what I'll do.  Probably go to work and hear about how ISIS is the biggest threat to America.

As far as I can tell, America is the biggest threat to America.  Our nation has lost sight of the first word of the document we just celebrated.  All we talk about is emails, scandal, oligarchy, TV channels, celebrities and when the next season of Naked and Afraid starts.  When we do pay attention to our founding documents it is with a selective tone and seeks to support our argument rather than to inform it.  The focus is on the amendments as if they are the end all be all and yet we so often forget the first word:


We the people.  We are responsible for this chaos.  We.

It isn't us against them.  It's us against us.

And it sucks.



Barney said…
Well put. Thank you.