the Handover - Edition 7

The Handover Blog Carnival is home this month, where MedicBlog999 asked for submissions describing your first emergency.

I have the honor of being included in the list of blogs I enjoy reading, which is pretty neat in my book.

So go have a look into what the authors of your favorite blogs submitted as their first ever emergency.

Next month CKEMTP over at Life Under the Lights will be hosting the Handover with the theme "Funniset.Call.Ever." Now I have 400 posts to go through. Thanks.


Ckemtp said…
And I'll be you'll be "Happy" to do it ;) Anything I can do to help, ya know?

I realized that I don't have to post anything for this one, just compile everybody's posts. Judging from the great stuff in this edition, I think that it'll be a fun, but still hard task to do.