Rule of threes

I have another list of 3 lists of three things.  Took awhile, I know.

Movies I will stop my day to watch the last 3 minutes of:

1.  Shawshank redemption

2.  Master & Commander

3.  That Thing You Do

Three websites taking up too much of my time:

1. Twitter

2. Facebook

3. Google wave

Three most mis-understood phrases in EMS:

1. "Avoid the liability."

2. "Practice good customer service."

3. "I know my rights."

Until another three of three strikes, be safe.



cozmosis said…
"When was the last time you were decently kissed? I mean, truly, truly good and kissed?"

Awww... Happy Medic has a soft heart. :-) I love the way that movie ends, too.
cozmosis said…
"When was the last time you were decently kissed? I mean, truly, truly good and kissed?"

Awww... Happy Medic has a soft heart. :-) I love the way that movie ends, too.
Anonymous said…
"When was the last time you were decently kissed? I mean, truly, truly good and kissed?"

Awww... Happy Medic has a soft heart. :-) I love the way that movie ends, too.
gfriese said…
Thanks for reminding me to checkin with Google Wave
Greg Friese said…
Thanks for reminding me to checkin with Google Wave
gfriese said…
Thanks for reminding me to checkin with Google Wave