The hour is late

Recently a close friend asked why we even try.  Why do we try so hard to achieve all the goals we have been chasing?  Who cares?  Isn't there someone else who can fill in what we're doing better?


No there isn't.

If there was something better that could be done, we'd be doing it.

This forum used to be updated every few days, some days even multiple times a day.  My duties have consumed my time, heart and vision.  Previous posts about not being able to change the system have turned into meetings that are changing the system.  For every crazy story I try to tell, I read an actual chart that mirrors my edited version and the tale can't be told.

We're on the verge of some major opportunities in my system and that seems to be monopolizing my time.

Go figure.

13 months ago my priorities changed and this therapy experiment has suffered.  It was created for one purpose and one purpose only and that was to serve as a pressure release valve.

Boy did it ever.

But the pressure might be too high this time around.  The troubles aren't with those in charge of the system, or the system itself, but within myself.  My dreams of an EMS 2.0 world were destroyed by regulators, bureaucrats and the realities of a for profit system only to be rebuilt by a single EMT doing the right thing despite our policies to the contrary.  Our late night discussions in Baltimore, Vegas, Houston and other places all build into a mural of a future for our Profession only to be sidelined by technical issues and personnel conflicts.

We were dreamers.  We looked at a future that was built around quality patient care, not realizing the first question would be "how are you going to pay for all that?"

I checked...the Police Department has yet to post a profit.

It isn't an uphill battle we in EMS are fighting, it's an all out war.  There are those who wish to take over, give up, concede, demand even take a seat on the fence and wait to see who wins to declare their allegiances.  We can get frustrated, rant, moan and complain or we can give 100% to the one thing that matters:


The patient.


My posts may slow, my twitter may stagnate, but only because I have a chance to make a difference for more patients and I'm taking it.

Join me?



John Broyles said…
I take it the odds are against us and the situation is grim?

...Sounds like fun
