Crossover Podcast -20 - Sorting Out Your Priorities

With fam­ily life, work, exchange stu­dents, gui­tar lessons, soc­cer prac­tice and Irish dance class, your heroes Motor­cop and the Happy Medic couldn’t find time to record this week.  And you can imag­ine the chaos when we add in the children’s activities!

With a break between chores while MC was at work, since HM couldn’t find time in the evening to get to MC, he fired up the mic and recorded a solo show.

The topic?

Time man­age­ment of course.  With our ever busier lives we as pub­lic safety pro­fes­sion­als have to take the time to iden­tify our pri­or­i­ties (Yes, you should only have 1 but we’ll dis­cuss that in another show), set real­is­tic expec­ta­tions and bud­get our time like we bud­get our money.

HM and MC usu­ally find time for 2 or 3 or, if there is enough beer, 4 shows but this last week was so crazy this is the best we can offer and we think you’ll enjoy it.

Oh, and did we men­tion the char­ity we founded and are run­ning all month-long?  No?  More on that soon.

Enjoy Episode 20!  next episode we’re old enough to drink…again.



