Apathy is worse than absence

One of the things I hate most about EMS is apathy.  A provider who has checked out mentally and simply no longer cares is far, far worse than one who simply doesn't show up.


I recall having a driver on the ambulance back in the day who simply didn't care.  Slamming doors, mumbling under his breath about how this band aid wagon crap wasn't his job.  His mentality radiated not unlike a hazardous material I couldn't escape.  Every call was a waste of his time, every turn a chance to slam on the brakes and treat the ambulance like a stolen sedan driven by an adrenaline stoked 14 year old.

Despite my multiple suggestions for caution and calm he continued his drag racing, brake slamming and grumbling.

It was months later, after many discussions with him and the Company Officer that he finally broke enough dishes that he didn't have to wash them anymore.  The solution was not to reprimand him for not doing his job, but instead reward him with exactly what he wanted...off the ambulance.

I could have had a better day by myself instead of having to deal with the apathy which later led to disregard for due caution sand common sense.

If you encounter someone who just can't understand why they are being so mistreated as to actually have to do their job...welcome to EMS.  Fire based, third service or private we all have those folks who just can't bring themselves to care.

What can we do to change it?
