
The Handover - July

You Make the Call...Traffic Stop

You peed?

Attention all units in the field.

Mr Universe

Smoke Eaters and Hall Crawlers

Medic 99 has been deactivated

Mutial Aid and CE Updates

You Make the Call...Evening Visitor...What Happened

Sunday Fun - Playing with Matches

You Make the Call...Evening Visitor

Attention Paramedics - New Medication

Support ALS

"Ain't no use arguing with no fool"

You Make the Call...Unknown Driver...What Happened

the Project

Sunday Fun - Gadgets

Students Beware

You Make the Call...Unknown Driver

Liar, liar, pants on fire

Free Expo Tickets from the Geezer

Give me a reason


Captain Schmoe goes a wanderin'

You Make the Call...Traffic...What I do

EMS is not a Health or Human Service

Sunday Fun - My Turn

Thou Shall Always...

You Make the Call...Traffic

Calamity Jane has been sacked

Support ALS in Your Community

I'm being followed

It's a lifestlye choice

Lord of the Flies

Sunday Fun - Bread and Butter

For Motorcop

You Make the Call...MCI

Great job, now stop!


My new hit single